The app allows you to convert text snippets into user mentions, contact or company mentions, and dates in the page view mode.

Converting users

You can convert user names (as well as emails) into user mentions.

  1. Select the user name or email.
  2. Hover over it.
  3. In the appeared toolbar, click @ icon.

The selected text snippet will be replaced with the user mention. If the app does not find such user, it will prompt you to search for it manually.

Converting contacts / companies

You can convert contacts and companies (as well as emails) into contact and company mentions.

  1. Select the contact or company.
  2. Hover over it.
  3. In the appeared toolbar, click # icon.

The selected text snippet will be replaced with the contact or company mention. If the app does not find such contact or company, it will prompt you to search for it manually.